Monday, December 17, 2012

Monday Mailbox: FamilySearch Family of Websites

Dear Mr. Insider,

I have noticed a number of web sites for Is there some place that lists all of the different variations/locations that are connected to

Signed, Jerry

Dear Jerry,

Believe it or not, you can navigate to almost all FamilySearch websites from The few exceptions are specialized websites or websites that can’t be reached because of broken links on

Signed, The Insider

What Jerry really needs is a good site map. Too bad FamilySearch won’t provide an official one. Here’s a quick attempt.


  1. Thank you for this very useful site map. It helps make sense of a site that buries many of its functions. Many in the genealogical community still use the classic search, and regret the loss of valuable tools that have vanished.

  2. Speaking of broken links, your link doesn't work, at least not for me from a Windows 7 OS using Firefox and IE. Training for consultants can be found by going to and signing in with your LDS Account. This takes you to training materials for Family History Consultants.

    1. Dear John,
      Good catch. It should be singular. It is a synonym for the URL you presented.

      I've also fixed the Archivists link.

      Hopefully, I didn't break any others while I was at it.

      --The Insider

  3. Hi

    I offer a small revision to your site map:

    • Search
    o Records
     All Record Collections
     International Genealogical Index (IGI)
    o Genealogies (including Ancestral File and Pedigree Resource Files)
    o Catalog
     Classic Catalog (FHLC)
    o Books

    Best regards


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