Monday, April 25, 2016

Ancestry DNA $79 Sale

Ancestry DNA $79 is running their periodic $79 sale for their DNA test kits. They list at $99 and regularly go on sale for $89. The $79 sale price comes just a couple times a year. Today’s sale is celebrating National DNA Day (in the United States), 25 April 2016 and runs through Tuesday, 26 April 2016 at 11:59 EDT. The offer excludes taxes and shipping. Order at

To learn more about the science behind Ancestry’s interpretation of your DNA results, watch the free Ancestry Academy class “Behind the Scenes: The Science Behind AncestryDNA Results” by Dr. Catherine Ball, VP Genomics & Bioinformatics at Ancestry. Watch this class for free at

This is Ancestry’s description of the class:

Methods behind ancestry estimation, DNA matching, and other AncestryDNA features are at the forefront of human genetics research – with many unresolved questions and issues. We walk through the scientific process upon which your AncestryDNA results are built, primarily focusing on DNA matching as a case study. Using the scientific method, we look at the development of a new version of DNA matching: from our hypothesis and suspicion of false positive matches, to results from extensive research and data exploration, and finally to the development and evaluation of new algorithms. We discuss the advantage of our large database, which has led to, and will continue to lead to, other influential findings powering new AncestryDNA features.

The entire course runs about 30 minutes, but you can choose which of nine segments to listen to.


  1. Thanks for the link. It gives us something to do in the calm before the Algorithm Storm!

  2. I just tried this and it still worked! Ty!!

  3. Still worked on 8/16/16, thank you!

  4. This code still works - 8/26/16. Thank you!

  5. Just click on the link, the price is still $79. You don't need a code, it prices it at $79.

  6. Worked for me!! $79 is a steal!

  7. Replies
    1. Hold off your purchase until you see my article on Wednesday, 23 November 2016.

  8. And it worked for me today 11/19/2016

  9. Link is still working on 1/17/17!! Woo hoo... I was so sad when I missed the sale after Thanksgiving.

  10. Link still works 3/1/17, thank you!

  11. It worked for me. 3\2\2017. 2 kits $172.90

  12. still works as of 03/29/2017 at 3:30 PM


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