Jim Greene, product manager at FamilySearch International, was recently the focus of an employee spotlight on the tech.lds.org website. Greene is currently product manager over the FamilySearch Wiki and the famous Salt Lake City Family History Library. A product manager investigates user needs and prioritizes features for implementation by software engineers.
Greene's excited about his current work on the FamilySearch Wiki.
"We believe that by involving the worldwide community of family historians in a collaborative effort, we can create an encyclopedia of unparalleled ... source [of research guidance]," said Greene.
Greene has two undergraduate degrees, in Spanish and in business management, and an MBA from Penn state. Greene worked for 10 years at IBM before moving to Novell as a product manager for 10 more years. Then he came to FamilySearch where he was the product manager for New FamilySearch.
Greene was asked a series of questions for the article. One question was, "What or who has been an inspiration to you in your work?" Greene responded,
I find great inspiration in the people I have met all over the world, who save what little they have to travel to the family history center or the temple, and the missionaries who cheerfully come to the Family History Library to help others find ... their ancestors.
I first learned of Greene a decade ago because of his good work in the OS/2 community. It's a pleasure now to be his co-worker.
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