It can be tricky to find the source of
records in the International Genealogical Index
Finding the sources of records in the International Genealogy Index (IGI), product of FamilySearch, can be tricky. So I was heartened to notice that the publicly available Product Support help center contains articles about finding sources for IGI entries. Most of the following articles have recent publication dates. Most pertain to records submitted by members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. For extracted records, skip down to the list of FamilySearch Wiki articles.
Help Center Articles
Resource Guide: Finding an IGI Source (108178)
What is an IGI Source? How the Source can help you. Finding the Source Call Number. Find the Source. IGI Batch Number. Resource Guide: Finding an IGI Source. [Note from the Insider: This is a rather old Resource Guide, written in the days when the IGI and the FHLC were on fiche or CD-ROM. Yet it still contains some helpful information. –The Insider]
Published 9/21/09
Who submitted a name to the International Genealogical Index? (1425p_en)
...submission was made to the IGI prior to May 1991, a batch number and source number will appear in the Source area. These numbers refer to microfilm copies of the original documents, which may contain the submitter...
Published 9/21/09
Finding the source of a batch number in IGI when no film number is shown (105141)
...source of a batch number in the International Genealogical Index (IGI) does not show a film number. How can I find the film number? [The big take away: Contact support. If they don’t know what you’re talking about, give them the article number, 105141. Or follow the suggestion of Janell Vasquez. –The Insider]
Published 7/27/09...source for batch numbers for temple work performed after 1990 is a diskette prepared using the TempleReady program and submitted by a family member or descendant. The film cited in the Index gives no more information...
Published 6/11/08
The following articles have been updated with information beyond what the old Research Guide contains. Click on a link to see the help center article for a batch number that begins with:
- "0" (article 394) - a Temple Service Center entry, usually in the native language...
- "5" (400) - a Family Group Record submitted by a family member or descendant...
- 694-- (401) – most are an early membership record of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints created by a branch clerk during the member's lifetime...
- between 6940405 and 6940426 (402) - a membership record of the Church that was indexed as part of the Minnie Margett’s File...
- 69409- (408) - a Family Group Record submitted by a family member or descendant...
- 696-- (409) - a source from "Special Services."
- 745-- or 754-- (412) - a Vermont, Connecticut, or New Hampshire civil birth record extracted (indexed) by a volunteer...
- 8-4-- (413) - a Polynesian Family Group Record form submitted by a family member or descendant...
- 8-8-- or 8-9-- (417) - a Family Group Record submitted by a family member or descendant. The form has very few birth dates or places...
- "T96--" (383) - a supplemental entry added to the IGI to clarify another entry. In other words, this batch points to a second entry form that is the original source...
- T9990-- (386) - an entry form for people who previously had some but not all LDS ordinances completed, or they were entered on the same entry form as such people...
- "T9991-" (387) - a source from "Special Services."
- all digit batch numbers (388) - an Individual Entry or Marriage Entry form submitted by a family member or descendant...
FamilySearch Wiki Articles
For other batch numbers, check these articles in the FamilySearch Wiki:
- International Genealogical Index
- IGI Batch Number Descriptions
- IGI Batch Numbers for British Isles and North America (Contains a link to the well known Hugh Wallis web site which lists many batch numbers.)
- IGI Batch Numbers for Latin American Countries
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