Wednesday, June 9, 2010

No, You’re Not Traveling Through Time

While it’s true that the Bloggers Day was held back in January 2010, I never got around to putting together a table of contents to all the articles I wrote about it. I’ve rectified that with the other article you’ve seen published today: “ Bloggers Day 2010.”

If you caught all the articles as I published them, you can ignore this. Otherwise, I hope you find it useful.


  1. Very nice work!

    I seem to recall at about that time you mentioning that you thought the addition of media to timeline events was something . . . and held out a carrot that you would discuss in the future . . .

  2. Dear Eucalyptus,

    Thank you for this well-timed reminder. While my Evidence Management series has pushed that comment from my mind, the next articles in the series deal with conclusions. It will be a great time to talk about this.

    -- The Insider


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