Tuesday, September 22, 2015

RootsTech Open for Registration

The Ancestry Insider is a RootsTech 2016 AmbassadorI am honored that RootsTech has asked me to be an Ambassador for another year. Thank you, RootsTech.

RootsTech opened their doors for registration last week. I got registered and immediately went to get a hotel registration. I was disappointed that my favorite hotel is already sold out! If you plan on coming, you better grab up lodging quickly, or you may find yourself facing a little inconvenience. Salt Lake hosts conferences that are plenty bigger than RootsTech, so there are plenty of rooms around the city, but the official conference hotels, give discounts and are within easy walking distance of both the Salt Palace and the Family History Library. See http://rootstech.org/attend/hotels for more information.

Each year I see RootsTech drawing in more national level speakers, and that’s true again this year. I don’t mean to dis the local experts. As you might guess, the Salt Lake area is full of genealogical expertise, many of which can’t travel to the other national conferences, so they aren’t well known. But my point is that RootsTech continues to grow in national prominence. For more information about speakers, see https://rootstech2016.smarteventscloud.com/connect/search.ww.

Hopefully, by the time you read this they will have fixed the color rendering bugs affecting the course descriptions. Here (below, left) is a snippet as it was last weekend when I wrote this. Long time readers know that I harp constantly on the shortcomings of websites that try to use low contrast color schemes. Graphic artists seem to be constantly drawn in by pretty instead of utility. If they haven’t fixed it by the time you read it, the workaround is to select the text. Here (below right) is what it looks like if you select it.

image image

Come to RootsTech and say hello. The Ancestry Insider isn’t teaching any sessions this year, so it may be hard for you to pick me out. Look for the guy in the blue shirt, glasses, bushy eyebrows, and suspenders. My hair has thinned out and grayed since my last photograph (below), and my employer makes me wear a collar, but you should still be able to pick me out of the 10,000 people in attendance.

Portrait of the Ancestry Insider

See you there!


  1. Congrats Ancestry Insider! I'm also a RootsTech Ambassador. See you there! :)

  2. Just finished registering for RootsTech 2016.
    This will be my fourth year attending this rewarding Conference.
    Hope to see many friendly faces there! 😀


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