Did you miss the Verkler virtual vault tour at the recent National Genealogical Society conference? FamilySearch has placed the tour online. Click each of the images below to see the tour video for yourself (in a teeny-tiny window).
Part 1 – Touring the Granite Mountain Records Vault
Part 2 – Digitizing the Granite Mountain Records Vault
Part 3 – The Niue Island Disaster
The Granite Mountain Record Vault, by the numbers:
- 3.5 billion images
- 2.4 million rolls of microfilm
- an equivalent amount of digital media
- billions of people covered by the records
- 100 countries
- 170 languages
For more videos from the conference, check out the links in my review, “A Celebration of Family History.”
Wow...WOW...especially the Niue Island Disaster video. Amazing, and I'm so thankful that the LDS has been helping the world caretake its records. Many others work with LDS, I realize that, but no one entity does so much to keep us on track. I am not LDS but agree with their priority...