Before I tell you about features coming soon to’s historical records search engine, let me point out a two new features.
By default, shows 20 search results from historical records. Above the first result, click 20, 50, or 75 to set the number of results shown.
Many websites are trying to ride the social media wave and is no exception. FamilySearch has added the ability to share a historical record on popular social media sites. Look for the Share icon on the right side of the window.
Robert Kehrer, FamilySearch product manager, has announced these upcoming features:
View a Person Record Linked to Family Tree
When a historical record is already linked to a person in the Family Tree you will see a link that will let you go directly to the person in the Family Tree.
Link a Person Record Directly to Family Tree
If a historical records is not linked to Family Tree, you will be able to quickly look for them in the Family Tree and create the source in the Family Tree. FamilySearch will add the link to the source box for you, as well, so you can further organize it in the source box if you wish.
Export Search Results to a Spreadsheet
Logged-in researchers will be able to export the data from their search results into a spreadsheet so they can sort, label, and organize these records in their research workflows.
Comment on a Historical Record
Researchers will be able to leave comments on a record that is viewable by all other users. FamilySearch will allow you to flag these comments as being a correction to the transcribed data on the record. It may be a while before these changes are displayed and searched as part of the record, but for the first time you will be able to officially record errors in the record.
Filter Catalog Titles by Location
The FamilySearch Catalog now holds many titles from the regional libraries and even some Family History Centers. You will soon have the ability to see all the titles that are held in a specific library or center.
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