ICAPGEN provided the following press release about their upcoming conference. (I’m not doing very well on my two article goal this week, am I.)
The annual family history conference co-sponsored by ICAPGen and the Center for Family History and Genealogy at Brigham Young University will be held on Saturday, November 1, 2014 in the Joseph F. Smith building on the BYU campus. Come celebrate 50 years of genealogical credentialing with some amazing classes on accreditation, professional research, methodology, technology and DNA research. The luncheon speaker will be David Rencher. Lunch is included in the low price of the conference. It will be a great day! Go to www.icapgen.org to see the conference schedule. Sign up for the conference online here: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/icapgen-2014-conference-tickets-12947561505
Or to view the conference schedule go here: http://www.icapgen.org/icapgen/sites/default/files/pdf/ConfReg2_0.pdf
About ICAPGen: The International Commission for the Accreditation of Professional Genealogists, internationally recognized as ICAPGen, is a professional credentialing organization dedicated to testing an individual’s competence in genealogical research. The organization is administered by a board of qualified Commissioners with many years of experience. Professional credentials with ICAPGen provide numerous benefits. For additional information go to www.icapgen.org.
Thanks Ancestry Insider! I found that the link to the conference schedule doesn't work. This one should work:
Looks like a great conference. :)