Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Free Research Guides from Ancestry.com

imageIn a recent Ancestry Blog post, Ancestry Anne pointed out several short, free research guides.

  • Finding Your Immigrant Ancestors on Ancestry
  • African American family research on Ancestry.com
  • Finding Your Irish Ancestors in the U.S. and Ireland
  • Finding Your Ancestors from the UK and Ireland 
  • Finding Your Swedish Ancestors at Ancestry.com
  • Finding Your German Ancestors on Ancestry.com
  • Finding Your Canadian Ancestors on Ancestry.com 
  • Researching Your American Indian Ancestors on Ancestry

  • Of course, they are Ancestry.com centric, but not entirely so. Each is a PDF of just a few pages, suitable for printing or keeping on your tablet. I’ve probably provided a link before, but you can see the complete list of research guides in the Ancestry.com learning center.


    1. Printing problem with these guides. Pale gray and pale green fonts result in unreadable text once printed, either in color or in black and white. Have this problem with all 'guides' by Ancestry.

    2. I can't even get the links to work. Is this a problem with Chrome?


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