Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday Mailbox: Download Compilation of IGI Articles

Dear Ancestry Insider,

I think you did a tremendously helpful work with your articles on the IGI. Thank you so much for the information. 

I am presently the assistant directory of the Lincoln, Nebraska Stake Family History Center and I have been the creator and instructor for Personal Ancestral File - Lincoln Users Group (PAF-LUG) since the 1990's.  We have a group of about 50 people.

I publish in which I link to articles or video presentations that I think my groups (PAF-LUG and Lincoln FHC) would find interesting. I would like to ask your permission to put your IGI series into a PDF and put it on my blog for download.

Thank you,

Howard N Camp
Lincoln, Nebraska

Dear Readers,

I was honored to give Howard permission to post his compilation of my IGI articles on his wonderful blog. You can download it from “IGI – Past – Present – Future.” Thank you, Howard.

-- The Insider

Note: Letters and comments are edited for length, clarity, and editorial style.

1 comment:

  1. does give genological data to the LDS cult for necro-baptism?


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