Friday, September 27, 2013

Darned Family Dog

Records say the darnedest things

We depend upon records to reveal the “truth” about our pasts.

Yet sometimes records have anomalies. Some are amusing or humorous. Some are interesting or weird. Some are peculiar or suspicious. Some are infuriating, even downright laughable.

Yes, Records say the Darnedest Things.”

Records Say the Darnedest Things: Darned Family Dog

In a recent promotional email, pointed out an interesting entry in the 1911 Census of England and Wales: the Little family’s five year old pet, Roger. “Incidentally, we have an Airedale Terrier. I do not know whether particulars are required, but in case you want them here they are!”

Click this image to see an enlargement, courtesy brightsolid online publishing limited.

Roger was dutifully indexed by FindMyPast and then provided to FamilySearch:

Roger the Airedale Terrier on

Roger also shows up as part of the Little family on the website, where his occupation is faithfully listed as, “Watch Dog.”

Roger the Airedale Terrier on

Darned Airedale Terrier.

1 comment:

  1. I especially enjoyed the details about the number of children and the work details.Ha Ha! Guess this dog really was "one of the family!"


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