Monday, August 23, 2010

Mailbag Monday: Magnifying Images

Dear Friends,

Thank you for your feedback last week on desktop tree managers and on magnifying images.

Dick Eastman wrote about another way to magnify images. Use the techniques in “Increase or Decrease Web Page Text Size” to magnify both text and image size.

-- The Insider


Website Facelift

Dear Ancestry Insider,

Woah, weird facelift. Liked the old one better. Very hard to read. Its like its on geriatric version or something.

-- Anonymous*

Dear Woah,

Problems in the design of the Insider website were bugging me into action. As you noticed, I tried a completely new look. Your feedback led me to revert back to the old design.

Now I’m curious. Can you remember what made the weird design so hard to read? Colors? Font choice? Font size? Line spacing? Margins? Changes to the right sidebar? The ugly masthead?

BTW, nothing changed for those of you that read the Insider via e-mail or news reader.

For those that saw the website change, do you have any feedback?

-- The Insider

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