Friday, May 18, 2012

Elizabeth Shown Mills Citation Website

Evidence Explained websiteAt the recent National Genealogical Society’s 2012 annual conference I was lucky enough to attend one of Elizabeth Shown Mills’s classes. But only one. Why?

First let me point out that she has published a website for her book, Evidence Explained. You can find it at

I think the website fulfills three purposes:

1. It allows perspective buyers an opportunity to evaluate the contents of the book. The website contains

2. It allows perspective buyers to purchase an e-book version of Evidence Explained or Evidence Quick Sheets.

  • FAQ – The answers to common questions for those wishing to purchase e-book or Quick Sheets.
  • Book Store – A place where buyers can purchase these publications

3. It gives book owners—and everyone else, really—a place to learn more about citations.

  • Forums – A place to discuss, ask, and answer questions about citations.
  • QuickLessons – A growing body of articles about evidence analysis and citations.

The last item is particularly easy to overlook, and a particularly good educational opportunity.

Facebook users will want to follow, the associated Facebook page.

In case I haven’t mentioned it yet, another education opportunity offered by Mills is her website, Historic Pathways at Mills has reproduced here many of her articles. A couple of the most often cited are about evidence analysis and usage.

Why did I attend only one of Mill’s NGS classes? Attendees lined up for her classes three abreast in a line snaking 100s of feet through the halls of the convention center. Do yourself a favor (besides coming to next year’s NGS conference in Las Vegas). Make use of these free, educational opportunities.


  1. Here's a great place to learn from Elizabeth Shown Mills

  2. I was lucky enough to attend all of her sessions--but I quickly learned that getting to the room even 30 minutes in advance wasn't nearly enough time. I have to say, she is a wonder. I think of her as the Martha Stewart of genealogy.


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