Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Ancestry Insider in Family Tree Magazine Top 101

The Ancestry Insider is a Family Tree Magazine 101 Best Websites for 2016I recently received this message from Diane Haddad, editor, Family Tree Magazine.


Your genealogy website has been named one of our annual 101 best family history websites in the September 2016 issue of Family Tree Magazine. This issue is being mailed to subscribers and is available at ShopFamilyTree.com. It goes on sale August 16 at newsstands. 

Each year, Family Tree Magazine publishes the 101 Best Websites for family history to guide genealogists to the top websites where they can make family history research progress, and to honor the individuals and organizations who create those sites. This year, we took a fresh look at the list, adding more than 30 new, innovative and overlooked sites. For the "old favorites" on the list, we've highlighted new content and features.

The full list of 101 Best Websites for family history, including your site, can also be found using the category links at http://www.familytreemagazine.com/article/101-best-websites-2016 .

Thank you, Diane, David A. Fryxell, and Family Tree Magazine. I am constantly amazed and overwhelmed by the number of quality, awesome websites out there. More are being added everyday. It’s more than I can keep up with. It is an honor to have Diane and David take notice of my small contribution. Their annual list is a great way to keep up with some of the best.

Websites were recognized in one of 16 categories:

101 Best Websites for 2016 main page
2016 Best Big Genealogy Websites
2016 Best Websites for Exploring Your Ancestors' Lives
2016 Best US Genealogy Websites
2016 Best Sites for Sharing Your Genealogy
2016 Best Websites for Putting Ancestors on the Map
2016 Best Genealogy Library Websites
2016 Best Websites for Finding Ancestors in Old Newspapers
2016 Best African-American Genealogy Websites
2016 Best Cemetery and Directory Sites for Genealogy
2016 Best Tech Tools for Genealogy in 2016
2016 Best Immigrant Ancestors Websites
2016 Best British & Irish Genealogy Websites
2016 Best International Genealogy Websites
2016 Best Genetic Genealogy Websites
2016 Best Genealogy News & Help Websites


  1. Very impressive. I am not surprised, but congratulations! Your site is much appreciated.


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