Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Featured on RootsTech Commercial

RootsTech is fast approaching and they are ramping up publicity. Last week I saw a commercial on local TV.’s website garnered two seconds of the ad, with a mother pointing out her pedigree to her daughter

RootsTech 2014 TV ad’s Tim Sullivan also got his two seconds of fame. Interestingly, they got him backwards. (Look at the text in the slide behind him.) No matter that he is the wealthiest man who appears in the commercial. However, if you view the image in a mirror, you can easily see that it is, indeed, Tim Sullivan.

Tim Sullivan addresses 2013 RootsTech conference

On a more serious note, RootsTech has announced that they have extended early-bird pricing until Monday, 27 January 2014. “You can still register for RootsTech 2014 and get a Full Access pass for just $159, instead of the full price of $239,” the announcement said.

Have I mentioned the RootsTech Mobile App? Whether you are registered for the conference yet, or not, you can download it. It’s a great way to check out the available classes so you can decide if you want to attend. It is available for both iOS and Android. Or you can view the schedule online.

For more information about RootsTech, visit

The Ancestry Insider is an official RootsTech 2014 blogger

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this. I just installed the app on my Android.


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