Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Friday was African Heritage Day at #RootsTech 2017

RootsTech celebrated African Heritage Friday, 10 February 2017. Everyone is still talking about their highlight of RootsTech 2017, the moment when Thom Reed presented LeVar Burton the genealogy of his family. #NotADryEye

LeVar Burton overcome with emotion when Thom Reed shows him records of his ancestors, accompanied by host Nkoyo Iyamba

To watch the presentations and panel discussion that followed LeVar, see Nkoyo Iyamba, Kenyatta Berry, Sherri Camp, and Melvin Collier participated.

Melvin Collier, Sherri Camp, Kenyatta Berry, and Nkoyo Iyamba at African Heritage Day, RootsTech 2017

Click to see “Life is Never Too Busy for What Matters Most” on YouTube.During the session we watched a two minute video entitled “Life is Never Too Busy for What Matters Most.” You can watch it on YouTube.

Two minute video wrap-up of African Heritage Day at RootsTech 2017Watch a two minute video wrap-up of African Heritage Day on YouTube.
See all the day’s sessions at, including LeVar Burton’s magnificent keynote. (See my summary, “LeVar Burton – The Power of Storytelling.”)


  1. Why not stream the African American genealogy presentations/classes. It is, after all, Black History Month.

  2. Do you know why LeVar Burton's speech is not up? Or if it is could you please direct me to it? Thanks


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