Thursday, August 23, 2012

FamilySearch, Fold3, National Archives Joint Project

Civil War widows' pension fileThe National Archives recently released a new video in their “Inside the Vaults” series that highlights the project to digitize the Civil War widows’ pension files. A team of 60 volunteers led by National Archives personnel crossed the 100,000 mark of 1.28 million case files. FamilySearch is providing volunteers who create the digital images. I think Fold3 produces the index. publishes the index and images on their website.

Click on the video above.

To view the video online, click here.

1 comment:

  1. The civil war widow's pension application is one of the best resources of the time for genealogy. The widow had to prove she was indeed married to the solider. She also had to prove any children were the soldier's child. It contains name and birth dates of all children.

    Regards, Jim
    Genealogy Blog at Hidden Genealogy Nuggets


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