Friday, February 21, 2014

Family Tree Rhapsody

This video appeared on YouTube Wednesday. This is funny, must see genealogy.

Family Tree Rhapsody by Randy Wilson and family

If you like Bohemian Rhapsody, so much the better.

Scene from "Family Tree Rhapsody" by Randy Wilson and family

Hat’s off to FamilySearch engineer, Randy Wilson, and his talented family.

Scene from "Family Tree Rhapsody" by Randy Wilson and family


  1. Love the video! Who are those people, and are they really a family? So talented!

  2. I really enjoyed the video. Thanks for pointing it my way!

  3. Thanks so much for sharing this! Put it on my Pinterest!

  4. That was very entertaining and enjoyable.

  5. Yep, we're really a family. (Blonde girl is a niece that happened to be there when shooting; "Timothy" is really the same daughter that appears elsewhere in the video; wife really is playing the piano, and daughter really playing the violin, including both parts of the duet at the end--thus the mirror :)


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