Electric Productions recently produced a piece for Ancestry.com and broadcast it in their “Trending Today” show on the Discovery Channel. According to Ancestry.com,
[The] episode…includes an exclusive "behind the scenes" look at the technology involved in our AncestryDNA product. [In a YouTube clip,] hear from AncestryDNA team members, Ken Chahine, Sr. Vice President & General Manager, along with Cathy Ball, Vice President of Geonomics & Bioinformatics on the science of genetic genealogy.
Ancestry.com spokesperson, Jennifer Utley, gave some company background and numbers. Ancestry.com started in 1983 as a publishing company. Since 1996, when they published their first records online, Ancestry.com has put 14 billion records online. They add about two million records each day. They have 30 scanning facilities throughout the world. Ancestry.com has 60 million family trees. They have more than 2.7 million subscribers. Catherine Ball, a vice president at AncestryDNA, talked about their DNA offering. She said AncestryDNA tests examine 700,000 regions, called single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), throughout your genome.
Watch the seven minute video clip, “Trending Today Ep:12/16/14 Highlighting Incredible Innovators Across America,” on the Ancestry YouTube Channel.
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