There is no 13th floor in my hotel. There is no room 13 next to mine. So since it is Friday the 13th, I was being careful. When Word died (again) I lost almost nothing.
I’ve not had any time to write and publish, but you’ll hear from me eventually.
While I’m here waiting for Ron Tanner to begin, I’ll share a quick observation. I was amused Wednesday when I noticed that FGS and Innovator’s Summit began their conference opening sessions at different times. Different times; different target audiences. One started at 8:00 and one at 9:00. Guess which one was genealogists and which one was programmers.
Back to the 13th: the real fallout of Friday the 13th will occur tomorrow when I spend Valentines Day at a genealogy conference instead of with my significant other.
That’s when the real bad luck is going to hit.
Can't you bring her to the closing social? My wife is looking forward to seeing David A.